Q: Why do the Fast Fit program rather than my own version of fasting?

A: Our Fast Fit program is specially designed to help you lose weight without compromising your health or losing muscle mass. We take your safety and well-being very seriously, and we prioritize them throughout the entire 5-day program.

Q: Will I have any side effects during the 5-day Fast Fit program?

A: Some people have reported experiencing mild headaches and/or fatigue as symptoms. This may be a sign of dehydration. If symptoms continue or worsen, you should stop fasting and go back to a normal diet. If symptoms continue, you should speak with your healthcare professional.

Q: How do I get through 5 days without the Fast Fit program consuming my thoughts all day? Basically, I just want to get through and jump to Day 5.

A: It's completely normal to feel this way. It's important to remember that it takes time to get back on track, but we're here to help you jump-start your journey. It will require 5 days of dedication. We've planned out everything for you, so you don't have to worry about a thing. Keeping yourself mentally and physically stimulated during the 5-day Fast Fit program will benefit you greatly. You can do some light cardio exercises like going for a walk. Keep your mind active by reading a book or playing a board game. Staying occupied is essential for maintaining a positive mindset. Just think, in 5 days you'll be able to fit into your dress!

Q: I see the Fast Fit program recommends ingredients be mixed in 16oz of water. Is it okay if I only use 8oz?

A: Yes. 8oz is just fine and probably more convenient for most people. But you are also encouraged to drink a lot of water throughout the day. It is important to stay hydrated!

Q: How much weight can I lose? I’ve heard people say they lost 10 lbs!

A: Everyone is unique and so are their results. In addition to your commitment to the program, the amount of weight you lose depends on several factors including your body type and genetic makeup. Stick to the program and you will see results. Be sure to drink plenty of water.

Q: Can I work out during FFK?

A: You should only do some light cardio while fasting, which will help you burn fat. Weight training during your Fast Fit week is not recommended because it can deplete your body of too many vital calories.

Q: What do I do if I am late taking one of my packets?

A: No worries! Simply drink your next meal then continue on schedule.

Q: What is my next nutrition plan after FFK?

A:  Balance, balance, balance…  A healthy lifestyle includes a balanced diet of nutritious foods, avoiding the temptation to snack (especially on drinks and treats made up of mostly empty calories), exercise, and rest.

Q: Can I drink caffeine while on the Fast Fit diet?

A: Yes! You can drink coffee or tea without sweetener or milk. Avoid any other types of sugary beverages or beverages with additives.

Q: I’m starving! Can I eat additional food while on the Fast Fit program?

A: Those hunger pains are from your body telling you the fast is working. Drink water in place of meals. Remain disciplined. The results are worth it. When the fasting period ends, you can resume a normal diet. Think of the Fast Fit program as a healthy restart. You worked so hard to get fit and lose weight. Don’t blow it! Now is your opportunity to start a clean and healthy diet and exercise regimen.

Q: Is it okay for me to take my vitamins, supplements, and medications while on Fast Fit?

A: As with any new diet, fitness, or supplements program, it is recommended that you consult with your doctor before beginning the program.